Здесь работал знаток русской литературы и культуры Юрий Михайлович Лотман, который создал Тартуско-Московскую школу семиотики.
Associate Professor of Russian Language
College of Foreign Languages and CulturesDeadline:
Duties and responsibilities
Teaching of subjects on Russian linguistics to students of the first, second and third level of higher education, including creating study materials and web-based learning environments from the perspective of contemporary teaching methods.
Associate Professor supervises primarily students of the second and third level of higher education.
During five years, an Associate Professor must carry out research at least in the volume equivalent to that of one doctoral thesis.
The Associate Professor is also responsible for contributing to the development of international contacts and for organizing international conferences in the field of Russian linguistics and Slavic studies.
Required qualifications
PhD or an equivalent qualification.
Required experience
A candidate is expected to have at least five years of teaching experience in a higher education establishment.
A candidate is expected to have experience in delivering lectures on contemporary Russian grammar as well as on the history of Russian language and in supervising students at MA and PhD level.
Knowing web-based learning methodology is desirable.
A candidate is expected to deliver the special courses on Russian (Slavic) linguistics for all the levels of higher education.
Research is expected in the field of Slavic studies (Russian linguistics) as well as publications in internationally distributed academic journals.
Experience in popularising the specialty and participating in the organisation of Russian language Olympiads for schoolchildren is desired.
Required language skills
Excellent command of Russian, very good command of English.
1700 euros (gross) per month.
1700 euros (gross) per month.
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